Monday 27 January 2014


According to blogger Garance Doré, the beard is a trend that simply won't die in NYC.  Hey, we don't blame the New Yorkers: It's always nice when a beauty trend allows us to actually do less — when you think about it blow dries aren't as popular, most pale people (like me) don't wear tan anymore and BIG brows? Hell yes please. High fives all around!

Men aren't the only ones benefiting from the rise in popularity of male facial hair. Women like myself seem to be eating it up like never before.My friends will back me up on how crazy I am about guys with beards and tattoos, but girls,OK not all guys with beards and tattoos are good. Chalk it up to the classic bad-boy attraction, but a guy who looks like a lumberjack with a motorcycle always seems to send my heart atwitter.

So, readers, what do you think of the seemingly never-ending beard trend? Are you a beardizer? Or, do you refuse to judge a book man by his facial hair?

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