Wednesday 19 February 2014

I am messy, not dirty!

There is a vast distinction between being messy and being dirty. Dirty is a lack of showering for gods sakes! ( Yes, I do wash!)

Being messy implies something greater; it refers to those days you come home from work and rip your clothes off and leave it on the floor until washing day approaches; it’s leaving piles of water glasses on your night table(Yes I am talking to you Amy Richardson) and knowing exactly where your headphones are, despite being buried underneath a pile of clothes/pillows/blankets.

It’s a lifestyle that few can achieve, but once you do, it’s an impressive thing. Yes, impressive. I may not have hung my favorite hoodie up in a month, but I know exactly where, in my war zone of a bedroom, it hides. The idea of being messy, especially in this case, is simply that things don’t get put away where they should, when they should. Expect the times I do a huge tidy.

There are many things to take into consideration when determining if a person is dirty or messy. Messy is a pile of dishes in the sink; dirty is food stuck on the counter. Messy is moving things around to “organize them,” while dirty usually involves a sponge and some bleach. Read below my results:

1. Your Bedroom Floor

Personally, I haven’t seen my bedroom floor everyday,like a man in my life, I just do not need to.

Between work and afternoon activities, there just doesn’t really seem to be enough time to do a massive clean up. At the end of the day, it’s much more desirable to fall into your unmade bed than it is to clear the sh*t off your floor.

As long as the only things sprawled out across your floor are clothing items and not dirty dishes, you fall into the messy department. Congratulations.

2.Your Bed

Who has time in the morning to make their bed as they’re rushing off to work? Not me, that’s for sure. Honestly, what’s the point if you’re just going to get back into it, anyway? How many of you out there have ever slept on top of your covers to avoid rustling the sheets? Don’t lie; we’ve all done it.

3. Your Closet

The best part of having a closet is the fact that it comes equipped with a door — aka, the mess disappears. Closets are an ecosystem all their own. Although I do admit I keep this colour coded, but still messy.

How do you decide what is worthy to hang up and what gets folded? Ugh, life is so difficult. And what about shoes? Those things get tossed around a closet like nothing else.

4. Your Bathroom

The bathroom is a unique room in a house or an apartment that brings about its own set of messy problems. Hair clogs the drain, toothpaste gets stuck in the sink and lids and amke-up are everywhere.

5. Miscellaneous Clutter
You walk right into your home and immediately drop your coat and your bag, either on the bedroom floor or your couch.

Chances are you don’t live alone? So, you probably have twice or triple the clutter because your roommates are doing the exact same thing.

6. Your clothes washing
This an issue in and of itself. Who has the time to devote to waiting out an entire cycle?
Of course there is always the option of sending it out to be done for about 75 cents per pound, but that is not a luxury for everyone.

Figuring out the best way to get your washing done is only half the battle; the other half is WTF to do with it when it’s done. Of course the obvious answer is to put it away, but let’s be real, it’s either going to sit in a pile somewhere in your room or sleep with you in bed. Besides, only you can determine what’s clean and what’s not. Ironing? What the hell is that again?

7. Your Bag

You have receipts overflowing; you can hear your keys, but you can’t find them; there’s a pile of sand at the bottom, but you haven’t seen a beach in years.

How the hell does that pile even accumulate? Maybe it's due to how big the bag is?

8. Your life

It may sounds like cleaning up your life should be your priority. But thankfully my life is pretty organized, well sort of.....


  1. i have got slightly more organised in my room as i've gotten older however my mess is still too much for my mum to see when she walks past ! i know where it all is
    Lauren x
    Britton Loves | Fashion Lifestyle + Photography -
    Support my Photography Project here !

  2. I feel your mums pain Lauren, I nearly did Sarah's washing last night- Sarah just because you put the clothes into the washing machine doesn't mean they will wash, you need to turn the washing machine on;) As for everything else Im glad your room as a working door so I can close a door on your mess:) x

  3. Well, there is a big difference between being dirty and messy. However, things would likely get dirty if they just stay where they were all the time. And if they get neglected, there’s a chance that dirt and such would stick to your things. So I think it’s still best if you allot time for tidying your things up. All the best!

    Nathan Riley @ Steemer Atlanta
